ghaasalet example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest घासलेट ghaasalet news and headlines :
1. इंदौर. परदेशीपुरा क्षेत्र में एक महिला ने खुद पर घासलेट डालकर आग लगा ली bhaskar.comUsage and Example of ghaasalet 1. चूल्हा पड़ा कोने मे घासलेट और छोके के इंतज़ार मे। 2. '' अब इन बेवकूफों को कौन समझाये कि दो किलो घासलेट और तेल-मसाला करते-करते सौ रुपए निकल जाएँगे। 3. यही नहीं भविष्य में घासलेट, डीजल और एलपीजी के दाम बढ़ाकर सरकार आत्महत्या के मामलों की आशंकाओं का जड़ से उन्मूलन करने का मन बना रही है। 1. In 1947, the villages and many small towns were lit by candle or kerosene lamp 2. A law of nature, first and sacred law, enacts racial inequality and wants the superior races supplant the inferior races 3. Before him, the whole tradition, both pagan and Christian, imagined perfection in the form of stability and rest; any changes, any movement toward the good, remained hopelessly flawed and inferior 4. But this is a purely hematological data and, if there are many different groups, there is no indication that there are superior and inferior races 5. Carrière) Erkhia Xenophon of Athens, Attica, around 430 BC -to 355 The feminine nature is in no way inferior to that of men, except for its lack of strength and vigor

Given are the examples of hindi word ghaasalet usage in english sentences. The examples of ghaasalet are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., kerosene.

With this card, Ahmad gets sufficient quantity of wheat, rice, sugar and kerosene oil for his daily use.

Ration shops also known as Fair Price Shops keep stock of foodgrains, sugar, kerosene oil for cooking.
Use of poor quality of coal, kerosene and firewood as fuel for domestic purposes add up to this problem.
People living in the city will also be encouraged to use liquefied petroleum gas in place of coal, kerosene or firewood.
I took out my box of matches and lighted the kerosene lamp on the table.
Petrol, diesel and kerosene oil are obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum found under the earth's crust.
Preparation of oil gas or petrol gas from kerosene oil or petrol involves the principle of pyrolysis.
For example, dodecane, a constituent of kerosene oil on heating to 973K in the presence of platinum, palladium or nickel gives a mixture of heptane and pentene.
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