ghoonghatadaar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. In 1937, he published Nagai Kaf serialized Bokut ? Kidan (Remarkable History east of the river), elegy veiled bitterness, merciless chronicle of this chaotic time; then he was silent, and confined himself to hold his Journal 2. Jacob ben Sheshet it sets out in clear kabbalistic theories, even as his contemporaries and fellow students dared not speak in veiled terms 3. Making their own the name "beggars" that value to their contempt of a minister, they say "loyal to the king to wear the bag," thinly veiled threat to those considering taking advantage of Popular unrest 4. On July 25, Saddam Hussein, calling the US ambassador, April Glaspie, warned, in veiled terms, that Iraq could react militarily in case of failure of talks with Kuwait in Jeddah 5. The author of Poems barbarians who precisely was all excellent job in Hugo, behind his monocle replied: "Yes, but stupid as the Himalayas", which, under the veiled irony imperceptible fools, means the exact opposite

Given are the examples of hindi word ghoonghatadaar usage in english sentences. The examples of ghoonghatadaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., veiled.

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