chittakalita example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. It was also envisaged in the protocol, for states that there consent to extend, subject to reciprocity, freedom of navigation on all navigable rivers, even national 2. Matta especially exerts a great influence on him, and when André Breton arrived in New York during the war, Gorky immediately receives assent 3. They concern some young poets to their project, which also received the assent of established poets 4. Other distinctions say so 5. The authorization to issue denominations of less value (F 200 in 1847, 100 F in 1848, etc

Given are the examples of hindi word chittakalita usage in english sentences. The examples of chittakalita are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., consent, assent, okay, blessing, say so, go ahead, the all clear, authorizisation, permit, let, authorization, expected, wanted, requisite, supposed, required, necessary.

It was difficult to cross these frontiers, those who wanted could and did scale the mountains and cross the seas.लोगों के लिए इन सीमाओं को पार करना आसान नहीं था, जिन्होंने ऐसा चाहा वे ऐसा कर सके, वे पर्वतों की ऊँचाई को छू सके तथा गहरे समुद्रों को पार कर सके|

Management is required in all kinds of organisations whether they are manufacturing computers or hand-looms, trading in consumer goods or providing hairstyling services and even in non-business organisations.
Input resources are money, materials, equipment and persons required to do a particular task.
Management helps in achieving group goals: Management is required not for itself but for achieving the goals of the organisation.
However, one question that needs to be addressed pertaining to the nature of management is whether it is a science or an art or both? In order to answer this let us examine the features of both science and art to see how far management fulfills them.
Since art is concerned with personal application of knowledge some kind of ingenuity and creativity is required to practice the basic principles learnt.
Does this imply that management is a profession? To answer this question let us examine the salient features of a profession and see whether management satisfies them.
Organising is the management function of assigning duties, grouping tasks, establishing authority and allocating resources required to carry out a specific plan.
Once a specific plan has been established for the accomplishment of an organisational goal, the organising function examines the activities and resources required to implement the plan.
Organising involves the grouping of the required tasks into manageable departments or work units and the establishment of authority and reporting relationships within the organisational hierarchy.
संबंधित शब्द चित्तकलित के पर्यायवाची

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