chitreey example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of chitreey 1. इसलिए इन्हें चित्रीय संकेत भी कहते हैं। 2. आइए चित्रों तथा अन्य चित्रीय सामिग्रयों के भ्रम के प्रत्यक्षण से संबंधित कुछ अध्ययनों को देखें। 3. सिन्हा एवं मिश्र (डपेीतं) ने चित्रीय प्रत्यक्षण पर कई अध्ययन किए हैं। 1. "This, without denying the specifically pictorial contribution of American abstract painting of the 1950s Since 1978, he lives on an island in Maine, Vinalhaven, it celebrates in many paintings 2. Above all, it is appropriate to emphasize the stylistic unity of this literary way: simple language, pictorial and concrete expression that make it natural and scenic 3. According to the title, one can infer that the bulk of its production is still connected with the painting of figures, which remain the major pictorial genre until the late Tang 4. Admirable painter and draftsman, great theorist, but very individualistic and perpetually unsatisfied curiosity always alert, he became interested in all the pictorial movements without ever attaching to none 5. After his death in 1870, his work will be forgotten for a period of twenty years, until the pictorial photographer J

Given are the examples of hindi word chitreey usage in english sentences. The examples of chitreey are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., pictorial.

Among the effects of prolonged deprivation on cognitive functioning, it has been found that intellectual functioning and performance on tasks (such as classification, verbal reasoning, time perception, and pictorial depth perception) is lower among the highly deprived compared to those who are less deprived.

Here are some pictorial glimpses of the history of our country from 1757 to 185 These pictures and 'speech bubbles' will help clarify your understanding of the conditions that led to the event known as the First War of Independence in 185 my countrymen! Let your eyes fill with tears, as you recall the sacrifices of India's martyrs.
This is a formal blue print, with a pictorial presentation, in which Entity Relationship (ER) Model concepts are used to represent description of reality.

संबंधित शब्द चित्रीय के पर्यायवाची