chithada example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. By exposing in 1961 the series of torn posters entitled La France torn, he exhibited during the war of Algeria tears of society 2. Conrad IV died in 1254, when his son was two years and infighting torn Germany, where there is no longer any central authority 3. Duality and soon, more and more, the opposition of power - however held unique in its origin and legitimacy - cruelly manifested tearing of man torn between the here and the kingdom is not of this world 4. Existence worried, unhappy, torn by the opposition of the infinite and the finite, God and man, between man and man, man against himself 5. Faith is not real adventure to how mythical thought that confronts an experienced as torn universe, but because in recognizing God's action denies the natural world as closed totality
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