chinema example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. In 1921, with Sairandhri, mythological movie with special effects, Baburao Painter (nickname related to his previous job) comes in the wake of Phalke, the pioneer 2. In 1940, the law sets a movie clearly sectional set the seventh art in its production as in its distribution 3. In this sense, one can not escape the Hitchcock movie that mutilating the most fragile part, the most precious and most intimate of ourselves 4. In Viva Villa (1934 movie completed and signed by Jack Conway), the American journalist accompanying the revolutionary leader prematurely announced to his newspaper taking a stronghold 5. Maquillé [a movie actor playing Christ] (

Given are the examples of hindi word chinema usage in english sentences. The examples of chinema are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., movie.

If a person watches a movie that shows violence, and is then made to feel angry (for example, through insults or threats, physical aggression, or dishonesty) by another person, s/he may be more likely to show aggression than if s/he is not made to feel angry.

The Museum of Ancient History: Department of the Twentieth Century on the Planet Earth Spotlight shines on Historian, who is sitting at a table down right, on which is a movie projector.
For example, you may go to see a movie with friends, if you have done well in an examination.
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