chumbakattv example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Science Guillotin did the designate Louis XVI to demonstrate the futility of animal magnetism advocated by Messmer 2. Twentieth (1953 Larousse); geo and magnetism 3. Gula'h the only great talisman that adds to its magnetism mysterious supernatural power whose radiation assure us beneficial effects

Given are the examples of hindi word chumbakattv usage in english sentences. The examples of chumbakattv are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., magnetism.

After 1821 much of his work was on electricity and magnetism and different electromagnetic phenomena.

संबंधित शब्द चुम्बकत्त्व के पर्यायवाची चुम्बकत्त्व के विपरीत शब्द