churaavanaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 2 She pushed the goodness and authority to help me push the Captain wheelchair toward the hydraulic lift 2. As for the often made on behalf of mathematics and objection according to which the material must be divisible to infinity, it seems, in this case, quite easy to lift (LAPPARENT, Miner 3. But in each lift are seasonal, in the other they are random 4. But there is a big difference between traditional wells, basic lift systems, which reach the surface slicks, and "tube wells" deep, with power-driven pumps 5. Developing countries to lift themselves out of hunger and economic dependence vis-à-vis the affluent part of industrialization in the forefront of their concerns and their plans

Given are the examples of hindi word churaavanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of churaavanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., snitch, pinch, purloin, pilfer, heist, cop, relieve of, lift, bag, knock off, thieve, rip off, rustle, pick, whip, steal.

In areas where canal flow is insufficient or irregular due to inadequate reservoir release, the lift system is more rational.

The paders pick up the knowledge of breadmaking from traditions in the family.
Use a cloth bag and avoid asking for plastic carry bags when you buy groceries, vegetables or any other item.
The cop saw a man further along the street, running.
A cop who was standing near laughed and walked away.
Then he came to another cop standing in front of a big theatre.
And the cop turned his back to Soapy, and said to a man standing near him, “It's one of those college boys.
Was no cop going to touch him? He began to think of the Island as if it were as far away as a star.
Also, we engage some animals to lift weights, carry loads, pull carts or plough fields.
Generally people pick up such terms from popular writings and media.
संबंधित शब्द चुरावना के पर्यायवाची

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