chulu?paa example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
The hair of the sheep and goat is used to make woollens.
He thought, “A young goat will stay with me much longer.
And whenever I did — whether I was wading the Tieton or Bumping River or bathing in Warm Lake of the Goat Rocks — the terror that had seized me in the pool would come back.
The colours fascinated her — the horse was brown just like the horse on which the Tehsildar had come to visit their village; the goat was black like the goat of their neighbour; the parrot was green like the parrots she had seen in the mango orchard; and the cow was just like their Lakshmi.
Even today the Gujjar Bakarwals of Jammu and Kashmir are great herders of goat and sheep.Given are the examples of hindi word chulu?paa usage in english sentences. The examples of chulu?paa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., goat, nanny goat, nanny.
Sheep and goat can survive more easily than cattle in dry, hilly environments.सूखी और पहाड़ी जलवायु में मवेशियों की तुलना में भेड़ या बकरी अधिक सहजतापूर्वक जीवित रह सकते हैं|
The hair of the sheep and goat is used to make woollens.
He thought, “A young goat will stay with me much longer.
And whenever I did — whether I was wading the Tieton or Bumping River or bathing in Warm Lake of the Goat Rocks — the terror that had seized me in the pool would come back.
The colours fascinated her — the horse was brown just like the horse on which the Tehsildar had come to visit their village; the goat was black like the goat of their neighbour; the parrot was green like the parrots she had seen in the mango orchard; and the cow was just like their Lakshmi.
In Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, again, the dry central plateau was covered with stone and grass, inhabited by cattle, goat and sheep herders.
संबंधित शब्द चुलुंपा के पर्यायवाची