chaitanyata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of chaitanyata 1. जब चाय की चैतन्यता गले के नीचे उतर रही हो तो दृश्य में अपना स्थान घेरे कूड़े का ढेर बड़ा ही खटकने लगा रघुबीरजी को। 1. a priori forms of sensibility 2. The architect of Reims (1211), the Amiens (Robert Luzarches, 1220), that of Beauvais (1225) each have their own sensibility 3. The release of aesthetic sensibility education that connects with major works gives examples for aesthetic existing categories 4. They can no longer be seen as a priori forms of sensibility in the Kantian sense, because of this construction and because they correspond to an objective content 5. 1946 will create many magazines, each with a distinct sensibility

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