chaukas example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest चौकस chaukas news and headlines :
1. सेना ने सोमवार को कहा कि नियंत्रण रेखा पर उसके जवान चौकस हैं और वे किसी भी हरकत का माकूल जवाब देने को तैयार हैंlivehindustan.com2. रक्सौल बॉर्डर पर बांग्लादेशी आंतकी संगठन से जुड़े 5 आतंकी की गिरफ्तारी के बाद भारत नेपाल सीमा पर एसएसबी के जवान और भी चौकस हो गए हैंlivehindustan.com3. काशी के संत समाज की तरफ से काला दिवस के आह्वान पर गुरुवार को शहर भर की फोर्स चौकस रही
4. उपद्रव के बाद चौकस हुए प्रशासन की निगाह एएमयू के हॉस्टल पर गड़ गई हैlivehindustan.com5. यदि पुलिस चौकस रहती थी तो बदमाशों को पकड़ा जा सकता था bhaskar.com6. पुलिस इस मामले को लेकर ज्यादा ही चौकस दिखाई दे रही है bhaskar.com7. हुदहुद को लेकर बिजली आपूर्ति रहा प्रभावित, कर्मी चौकस LiveHindustan8. सीएम के आमद की हलचल, अफसर चौकस LiveHindustan9. मोदी के वाराणसी आगमन पर सुरक्षा होगी चौकस LiveHindustan10. भूकंप को लेकर उत्तराखंड चौकस LiveHindustanUsage and Example of chaukas 1. वह बहुत ही सीधा, बड़ा आज्ञाकारी, अपने काम में चौकस रहने वाला, घुड़कियाँ खाकर चुप रह जानेवाला यथा नाम तथा गुण वाला मनुष्य है। 2. चौकस निगाहों के साये में। 3. वे अपनी सुरक्षा के लिए चौकस हैं। 4. नक्सलियों की सोच है कि अबूझमाड़ के बारे में सरकारी तंत्र काफी चौकस और सजग है, इसलिए ऐन वक्त पर सभास्थल को भी बदला जा सकता है। 5. इसलिये जो समझता है, कि मैं स्थिर हूं, वह चौकस रहे कि कहीं गिर न पड़े। 1. The country is sparsely populated, although the exact number of the population is not known 2. The exact meaning of heart-shaped pattern in the eastern graffiti and graffiti especially in Buddhist countries, is debatable 3. To know the exact time of the peak, it is necessary to program four assays in plasma, or urine, for a period of 24 hours 4. Two other composers of contemporary exact cantor of Leipzig, have also helped bring the fugue in its almost final point of perfection: Handel and Domenico Scarlatti 5. Until the Renaissance, he had no exact equivalent in the Germanic languages

Given are the examples of hindi word chaukas usage in english sentences. The examples of chaukas are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., observant, careful, exact, alert, sharp, watchful.

Since the principles of mana-gement are not as exact as the principles of science, their application and use is not universal.

Management does not meet the exact criteria of a profession.
It was presumed that it was the responsibility of consumers to be careful while buying a commodity or service.
But do you know why the sword was so special? The sword had an incredibly hard and sharp edge that could easily rip through the opponent s armour.
Wootz steel when made into swords produced a very sharp edge with a flowing water pattern.
While many important changes occurred during the nineteenth century (the rule about wide balls was applied, the exact circumference of the ball was specified, protective equipment like pads and gloves became available, boundaries were introduced where previously all shots had to be run and, most importantly, overarm bowling became legal) cricket remained a pre-industrial sport that matured during the early phase of the Industrial Revolution, the late eighteenth century.
Parents and teachers should be specially careful not to encourage or reward aggression in any form.
An efficient control system keeps a careful check on the changes taking place in the organisation and in the environment and helps to review and revise the standards in light of such changes.
It is necessary to identify the exact cause(s) of deviations, failing which, an appropriate corrective action might not be possible.
Therefore, the increase in current assets and decrease in current liabilities are added to the net profit, and the decrease in current assets and increase in current liabilities are deducted from the net profit so as to arrive at the exact amount of net cash flow from operating activities.
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