jadata example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest जड़ता jadata news and headlines :
1. अपनी जड़ता को तोड़ें LiveHindustanUsage and Example of jadata 1. यदि मैं यहाँ रुकूं, मेरे रुकने में ही मेरी गति है और यदि मैं वहाँ जाऊं, मेरे चलना ही मेरी जड़ता. केवल प्रेम और मृत्यु ही बदलाव लाते हैं.”। 2. जड़ता तिमिर हृदय का हर लो। 3. उसमें हथोड़े से कील जड़ता है। 4. ऐसे अत्याचार, जिनकी अवश्यम्भाविता का विचार मानसिक जड़ता के साथ मौजूद रहता है। 5. जहां शासन-प्रशासन का हर कदम पाप-पुण्य के भय का निर्माण करते हुए सामाजिक जड़ता को स्थापित करना चाहता रहा है। 1. Again, two cases must be considered, at least for the solid: the transverse rigidity and longitudinal rigidity; for liquids and gases, only the transverse stiffness has meaning 2. However, these remarkable opportunities for integration, precision and complexity of activities in which they chair, reveal to a more careful observation limitations and rigidity 3. In addition, the rigidity and inefficiency of the administration reduce opportunities the state would have to increase productive spending and thus put in place a long-term policy 4. The play of shadow and light to remain the most fascinating spectacle and promotes ambiguity artist through which the moral rigidity gave way to the psychological complexity 5. This hybridity practiced with great flexibilities is an ingenious compensation to misery: it allows to turn the obstacles inherent to the rigidity of an exclusively written language

Given are the examples of hindi word jadata usage in english sentences. The examples of jadata are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., rigidity, inertia, torpor, inertness, absurdity, severity, immovability, fixity, torpidness, insensibility, inanimateness, stiffness.

The variations in seeking help are due to differences in mental representations people make relating to disease, its severity and the causes of disease.

Even those advocating greater fixity in exchange rates generally propose certain ranges within which governments should keep rates, rather than literally fix them.
Some of us know our pattern of stress response and can gauge the depth of the problem by the nature and severity of our own symptoms or changes in behaviour.
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