janmaantar example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of janmaantar 1. अरे यार ऐसे ठूंस रहे हो जैसे जन्म जन्मांतर से भूखे हो। 2. मित्रों जन्म और जन्मदिन को लेकर जन्म जन्मांतर से लेकर नाना प्रकार के अफ़साने सामने आते रहे है .आते रहेंगे .! 3. लेकिन अगर एक दूसरे के सोच और भावों का सही मिश्रण हो, तभी वह जन्मांतर का प्रेम कहलाता है। 1. One and the other had certainly worked the rebirth of the German past, but they also created in their stories, and almost unwittingly, one of the finest modern German language 2. The 1952 Olympic Games marked the rebirth of Helsinki and Finland 3. The real Grieg still awaits its rebirth 4. Engagement in transmigration is due to unknowing (avidy) and liberation is achieved through knowledge, devotion and divine grace 5. In any case, already a detailed representation of the human psychic is attested to when appear the first mention of transmigration

Given are the examples of hindi word janmaantar usage in english sentences. The examples of janmaantar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., another birth, transmigration, next birth, rebirth.

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