jabaradastee example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. कमरे में बुलाकर महिलाकर्मी से जबरदस्ती करने लगा अफसर amarujala.com5. नशे में धुत बेटे ने मां से जबरदस्ती करने की कोशिश की jagran.com6. दक्षिणी दिल्ली के कालकाजी इलाक़े में बुधवार की शाम तीन अज्ञात आरोपियों ने दसवीं की छात्रा से छेड़खानी की और जब छात्रा ने विरोध किया तो आरोपियों ने उसे जबरदस्ती तेज़ाब पिला दियाlivehindustan.com7. बिहार: दलित महिला को डायन बता जबरदस्ती पिलाई गई पेशाब amarujala.com8. 17वां विजय दिवस: जबरदस्ती की दोस्ती नहीं हो, हो आर-पार की लड़ाई amarujala.com9. इसीलिए यहां लड़कियों को जबरदस्ती चर्बी वाला खाना खिलाया जाता है jagran.com10. यहां शादी के लिए लोगों की पसंद है मोटी लड़कियां, जबरदस्ती करना होता ऐसा jagran.comUsage and Example of jabaradastee 1. सुना जाता है कि उसे पुलिस जबरदस्ती ले आई थी। 2. जब वे हड़ताल पर चले गए तो उन्हें जबरदस्ती तितर-बितर कर दिया गया। 3. ’ यह अजीब जबरदस्ती का तर्क था। 4. बदलो जबरदस्ती तुम अपना धर्म। 5. तुम्हीं बताओं, किसी मुसलमान ने जबरदस्ती मुझे अपना उच्छिट भोलन खिला दियया होता तो मुझे स्वीकार करतीं? 1. Biological constraints are diverse 2. Necessity due to the constraints of industrial society 3. She first created a number of constraints 4. The 0 value of this rate depends on the nature of the components, but also environmental constraints imposed 5. The time constraints of work These constraints are exerted on many levels
Rights protect minorities from the oppression of majority.
I agree that all the struggles that we are involved with – the struggle against displacement, against globalisation, against caste and gender oppression and for an alternative kind of development – all this is political.
You have read about how Jyotirao Phule established a connection in his book Gulamgiri between caste oppression and the practice of slavery in America.
The party that ruled through oppression and brutal killings and the party that led the freedom struggle sat together to draw up a common constitution.
' 'The Kirghiz welcomed the first revolution (ie February Revolution) with joy and the second revolution with consternation and terror … [This] first revolution freed them from the oppression of the Tsarist regime and strengthened their hope that … autonomy would be realised.
Women face disadvantage, discrimination and oppression in various ways.
संबंधित शब्द
Latest जबरदस्ती jabaradastee news and headlines :
1. ओम स्वामी ने सनी लियोनी के साथ की बद्तमीजी, जबरदस्ती लगाया गलेlivehindustan.com2. मनसे की हरकत पर सेना भड़की, कहा- जबरदस्ती लिया पैसा स्वीकार नहींlivehindustan.com3. अफसर ने कमरे में बुलाकर उसके साथ जबरदस्ती कर डालीamarujala.comGiven are the examples of hindi word jabaradastee usage in english sentences. The examples of jabaradastee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., oppression, tyranny, wantonly.
The novel describes the community life of the Mallas in great detail, their Holi and Kali Puja festivals, boat races, bhatiali songs, their relationships of friendship and animosity with the peasants and the oppression of the upper castes.
Rights protect minorities from the oppression of majority.
I agree that all the struggles that we are involved with – the struggle against displacement, against globalisation, against caste and gender oppression and for an alternative kind of development – all this is political.
You have read about how Jyotirao Phule established a connection in his book Gulamgiri between caste oppression and the practice of slavery in America.
The party that ruled through oppression and brutal killings and the party that led the freedom struggle sat together to draw up a common constitution.
' 'The Kirghiz welcomed the first revolution (ie February Revolution) with joy and the second revolution with consternation and terror … [This] first revolution freed them from the oppression of the Tsarist regime and strengthened their hope that … autonomy would be realised.
Women face disadvantage, discrimination and oppression in various ways.
संबंधित शब्द