jalaplaavan example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Pavlov lives in this evolution progressive flooding the cortical mantle by a state of inhibition was born at a home and extending to encompass the kind of excitement homes, areas directly involved in the response to (S +) 2. The lower surfaces, flood, have better soils, as they are often renewed by the contributions of fresh materials, but the threat of flooding is a handicap 3. The Niger River and its tributaries are dug their floodplains, prone to flooding and lined with a system of convertible rice terraces 4. The set has long been under the threat of catastrophic flooding caused by floods or the ramblings of these two rivers 5. This state of affairs began to change in 1880: major works (dams, canals, dams) reduced the risk of flooding and allowed an extension of the irrigated area, diversification and intensification of crops

Given are the examples of hindi word jalaplaavan usage in english sentences. The examples of jalaplaavan are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., flooding, inundation.

The monsoons are a time of great fun and even a few adventures: playing in the rain and getting wet, wading through knee-deep water on your way to school, water flooding the house or the classroom, powercuts and so on.

With the growth of industrial production, British industrialists began to see India as a vast market for their industrial products, and over time manufactured goods from Britain began flooding India.
If these trends continue, the average global temperature will increase to a level which may lead to melting of polar ice caps and flooding of low lying areas all over the earth.
This leads to the flooding of the neighbouring areas.
During heavy rainfall, it prevents flooding and during the dry season, it helps to maintain an even flow of water.
Factories in India began production, flooding the market with machine- goods.
Dark clouds accompanied by blinding flashes of lightning and roaring rolls of thunder burst with all their fury, flooding the streets with a heavy downpour.
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