jaahira example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Usage and Example of jaahira 1. ज़ाहिरा तौर पर बुद्धि खराब हो गई लगती है ठरकी खुशवंत सिंह की। 2. 4) ज़ाहिरा शेख ने भी अपने बयान में कहा कि तीस्ता ने उससे कोरे कागज़ पर अंगूठा लगवा लिया था। 1. [Adverse] I'm not selfish, I can say openly that self-interest was never my facts or my motto (SANDEAU, Miss La Seiglière, 1848, p 2. At the age of puberty, development of secondary sexual characteristics will be more or less openly in the male direction or the feminine sense 3. But, normally, regularly invested im m im m is called al-bay'a or im m r ? uh, the uh ? r designating the circumstances where we can openly show themselves, as opposed to kitm n 4. By his "gift" meetings, for his quick thinking and his insatiable curiosity, he knew very openly integrate multiple universes - philosophy, ethnology, linguistics, architecture, etc 5. Communication between people who agree, confer a purpose that they do not admit it openly
Given are the examples of hindi word jaahira usage in english sentences. The examples of jaahira are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., prima facie.
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