jaataveda example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of jaataveda 1. इससे भिन्न जो यह दूसरे सुप्रसिद्ध "जातवेद" अग्निदेव पवित्र और सर्वज्ञ हैं, इनको ही यहाँ स्थापित करता हूँ। 1. It's at the other end of Europe, in the Pontic-Caspian steppe, which then triggered the mechanism that was to set fire to the continent: in 375, the Huns fell upon the kingdom ostrogotique Ukraine 2. It's the day after the 13 May outbreak of the social fire 3. Izanami, burned to death by giving birth to the fire god, descends into the 'Kingdom of darkness "(Yomi no kuni) 4. Learning son of a member of the official fire brigade, And ? Hiroshige was born in Edo (now T ? ? ky) in 1797 5. Like its sisters cathedrals of Speyer and Worms, Mainz Cathedral was rebuilt in the eleventh century, after the fire of 1009

Given are the examples of hindi word jaataveda usage in english sentences. The examples of jaataveda are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., fire, flame, omniscient, all knowing, the deity, the creator, solar, sun.

Thanks to solar energy, we can generate sufficient power to make our life comfortable.

The solar system wasn t known to have any life anywhere else except on their planet.
Tilloo s father recalled the ancient days recorded in the archives at the Central Bureau when their ancestors had a well-developed space programme and had searched the solar system with manned and unmanned spacecraft and found that they were indeed alone .
The fire in the furnaces has not yet been extinguished.
The fire in the furnaces had not yet been extinguished.
We will now learn about the places in the world where people have learned to cope with extreme harsh temperatures; in some places as hot as fire and some as cold as ice.
Hence, there is a pressing need to use renewable energy sources like solar energy, wind, tide, biomass and energy from waste material.
It has enormous possibilities of tapping solar energy.
The largest solar plant of India is located at Madhapur, near Bhuj, where solar energy is used to sterlise milk cans.
It is expected that use of solar energy will be able to minimise the dependence of rural households on firewood and dung cakes, which in turn will contribute to environmental conservation and adequate supply of manure in agriculture.
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