jaayadaad example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
5. झुमरीतिलैया. जायदाद में हिस्सा नहीं मिलने से आक्रोशित पुत्र ने अपने माता-पिता और छोटे भाई को कमरे में बंदकर जिंदा जलाने की कोशिश की bhaskar.comUsage and Example of jaayadaad 1. पंडित अलोपीदीन ने उनको अपनी सारी जायदाद का स्थायी मैनेजर नियत किया था। 2. हमारी जायदाद लम्बी चौड़ी थी। 3. मै चाहता हूँ कि अपनी सारी मिलकियत, सारी जायदाद तुम्हारे नाम चढ़वा दूँ मेरे लिए तुम्हारी मुहब्बत काफी है। 4. कानून यही है कि बाप के मरने के बाद जायदाद बेटों की हो जाती है। 5. पत्नी- हां अपनी जमीन जायदाद मेरे नाम कर दा,े तुम्हारे भाई बड़े झगड़ालू हैं। 1. The philosopher applies to the analysis of the social pact, in which he distinguishes a triple contract, the most important being the one on the property 2. The second objective is to organize heritage, its property and its management, are met so that the collective interest of the family and the individual interest of its members 3. This is a complementary feature of the property and could have been taken as a definition 4. This is pursued by the law of matrimonial property regimes that form the heritage status of the married couple 5. This property - independence of the nature of matter - was established in 1638 by Galileo, with the formulation of what is now known as the principle of equivalence
In fact, in a horizontal row, the property of elements change from metallic on the left to non-metallic on the right.
This property can be related with the reducing and oxidizing behaviour of the elements which you will learn later.
This trend can be related with their reducing and oxidizing property which you will learn later.
Thefts and damaging of railway property has not yet stopped completely.
If the caption property is set to blank, the field name becomes the default caption and is used to label the field.
The Required property must be provided a logical value Yes or No.
When a field s required property is set to Yes, a user must enter data in the field before saving the record.
For a single field primary key, Access sets the Required property to Yes and the Indexed property to Yes (No duplicates) because a primary key by definition must have unique values without null entries.
Indexed property of this field must be set to Yes (No duplicates) to imply that the database creates automatically an internal index on this field for fast retrieval of data records and No duplicates indicates that this index is based on unique values of code.
संबंधित शब्द
Latest जायदाद jaayadaad news and headlines :
1. ससुरालवालों पर जायदाद हड़पने की नीयत से परेशान करने और बेटे की जान को खतरे का आरोप लगाते हुए विधवा ने राष्ट्रपति से इच्छा मृत्यु की मांग की हैlivehindustan.com2. ऐसा ही एक कारनामा फतेहाबाद के भाई-बहन ने किया, वो भी जायदाद के लिएamarujala.com3. जायदाद के लिए भाई-बहन ने उठाया वो कदम, जानकर दंग रह जाएंगे amarujala.com4. करोड़ों का कर्जदार है आरोपी... - बताया जाता है कि स्कूल रोड स्थित शांतिभवन के पास रहने वाले आरोपी शैलेश को जायदाद में हिस्सा नहीं मिला है bhaskar.comGiven are the examples of hindi word jaayadaad usage in english sentences. The examples of jaayadaad are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., property.
He thereby showed that the atomic number is a more fundamental property of an element than its atomic mass.
In fact, in a horizontal row, the property of elements change from metallic on the left to non-metallic on the right.
This property can be related with the reducing and oxidizing behaviour of the elements which you will learn later.
This trend can be related with their reducing and oxidizing property which you will learn later.
Thefts and damaging of railway property has not yet stopped completely.
If the caption property is set to blank, the field name becomes the default caption and is used to label the field.
The Required property must be provided a logical value Yes or No.
When a field s required property is set to Yes, a user must enter data in the field before saving the record.
For a single field primary key, Access sets the Required property to Yes and the Indexed property to Yes (No duplicates) because a primary key by definition must have unique values without null entries.
Indexed property of this field must be set to Yes (No duplicates) to imply that the database creates automatically an internal index on this field for fast retrieval of data records and No duplicates indicates that this index is based on unique values of code.
संबंधित शब्द