jharakapu example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. In fact, a look at his tossed for a glimpse of a very different image 2. In the case of the acute angle, Saccheri watch, had barely glimpse Lambert, that for a point out of a line, can carry an infinite number of non intersecting lines 3. Psychoanalysis was built in Much of the study and criticism of this relationship; she, in turn, made more understandable by allowing a glimpse of the laws that govern hynoptique The state itself, which is specifically psychophysiological in nature 4. The phenomenon Harunobu early works do not allow a glimpse into the evil affirmed the great master artist, the style so mature and so personal, it will be in 1765, with the appearance of nishiki-e 5. This may be on their side that one must turn if we want a glimpse of what will be tomorrow's culture

Given are the examples of hindi word jharakapu usage in english sentences. The examples of jharakapu are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., glimpse, peek, semblance, glimps, peep, reflection, tinge, glimmering, gleam, hint, vision, beam, flicker, flash, shadow, flavor, whiff, glimmer, dash.

That vision in 1976, born out of a Delhi barsaati , has resulted three decades later in creating a US $ 3.

These initiatives have helped to build a homogeneous and focused team in Tata Steel, increasing motivation and binding to the vision of the company and spurred employees to deliver targets on a participatory management basis leading to ownership of processes.
Then in the seventh grade he got a hint of what real science is when he entered a county science fair and lost.
We would climb a bench or the parapet and peep into the basket, somehow.
The trees inside are moving out into the forest, the forest that was empty all these days where no bird could sit no insect hide no sun bury its feet in shadow the forest that was empty all these nights will be full of trees by morning.
The moon is broken like a mirror, its pieces flash now in the crown of the tallest oak.
The Djinn rolled himself up in his dust-cloak, and took a walk across the Desert, and found the Camel looking at his own reflection in a pool of water.
My friend, said the Djinn, what s this I hear of your doing no work? The Djinn sat down, with his chin in his hand, while the Camel looked at his own reflection in the pool of water.
Some exercises also allow scope for the learners languages to support one another s by asking for reflection on relevant words, or poems or stories in other languages; and attempt (preliminary as they may be) to attend to the process of translation.
You will also get a glimpse of how poverty and deprivation can make people victims of discrimination and social exclusion.
संबंधित शब्द झरकपु के पर्यायवाची

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