jhilamil example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest झिलमिल jhilamil news and headlines :
1. अध्यक्ष पं. विनोद व्यास सन्नी गुरू ने बताया मधुर स्वर लहरिया बिखेरते बैण्ड, हाथी, घोड़े, बग्घी, भैरवनाथ का रथ, 11 ध्वज के साथ 40-40 फीट लंबी ट्रालियों पर सिंहस्थ में साधु-संतों की पेशवाई और अमृत मंथन में मोहिनी अवतार की झिलमिल झांकियां शामिल थी bhaskar.comUsage and Example of jhilamil 1. झिलमिल एक ऑटिस्टिक लडक़ी है, जिसकी भावनाएं उसके अंदर ही रहती हैं। 2. झिलमिल कुछ वैसी ही है। 3. यह बहुत मुश्किल रहा है, मेरे लिए, लेकिन जब लोग इसे देखेंगे, तो सोचेंगे कि यह प्रियंका चोपड़ा नहीं है झिलमिल है। 4. प्रियंका चोपड़ा के लिए झिलमिल केकिरदार में बने रहना मुश्किल काम रहा होगा। 5. उनकी मेहनत दिखाई पड़ती है,इसलिए कई दूश्यों में झिलमिल के आचरण में कृत्रिमता नजर आती हे। 1. If the dead kings are the object of worship and offerings made to their statues alive they never considered gods 2. In 1970, the writer also reveals painting skills; he spends most of the time even in this art, since the Travel from the dead in 1981 3. In early Christianity, is made to say what he saw Lazarus in death; in the apocryphal Gospel of Nicodemus, a dead resurrected together with Jesus tells the Descent of Christ into Hell 4. In fact, estimates vary widely from study to study, depending on whether stillbirths or dead in the early hours are taken into account or not 5. In fact, these parameters are reduced to one because the dead zone and short-circuit faults are deleted

Given are the examples of hindi word jhilamil usage in english sentences. The examples of jhilamil are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., dead.

Names of those who move out of a place or those who are dead are deleted.

These were formed from the dead remains of living organisms (fossils).
Under high pressure and high temperature, dead plants got slowly converted to coal.
As coal contains mainly carbon, the slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonisation.
Over millions of years, absence of air, high temperature and high pressure transformed the dead organisms into petroleum and natural gas.
It required the dead organisms millions of years to get converted into these fuels.
He saw his worthless days, his wrong desires, his dead hopes, the lost power of his mind.
But one day when Princess September went to say good morning to her parrot she found it lying dead at the bottom of its golden cage.
He loved Chandni and would narrate to her stories of all his friends who were dead and gone.
We have reached this stage because the towns and cities, through which the river flows, throw large quantities of garbage, untreated sewage, dead bodies, and many other harmful things, directly into the river.
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