teligraam example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of teligraam 1. पोप्लाव्स्की बड़ी देर तक इस टेलिग्राम के बारे में सोचता रहा 2. भेजने वाला तो बेर्लिओज़ है, वह कहता है उसे ट्रामगाड़ी ने कुचल दिया है, फिर वह टेलिग्राम कैसे भेज रहा है? 3. हमें भेजा गया उनका अंतिम टेलिग्राम घोर अशिष्टता का नमूना है। 4. उनके टेलिग्राम की भाषा साफ बताती है कि यह किसी दोस्त की नहीं बल्कि भावी शत्रु की भाषा हैं।

Given are the examples of hindi word teligraam usage in english sentences. The examples of teligraam are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., wire.

One can calculate this drift speed of electrons for a typical copper wire carrying a small current, and it is found to be actually very small, of the order of 1 mm s- How is it then that an electric bulb lights up as soon as we turn the switch on? It cannot be that a current starts only when an electron from one terminal of the electric supply physically reaches the other terminal through the bulb, because the physical drift of electrons in the conducting wires is a very slow process.

Charges do not flow in a copper wire by themselves, just as water in a perfectly horizontal tube does not flow.
It is observed that the ammeter reading decreases to one-half when the length of the wire is doubled.
The ammeter reading is increased when a thicker wire of the same material and of the same length is used in the circuit.
A change in ammeter reading is observed when a wire of different material of the same length and the same area of cross-section is used.
When a wire is doubled on it, its length would become half and area of cross-section would double.
That is, a wire of length l and area of cross-section A becomes of length l/2 and area of crosssection.
It consists of a piece of wire made of a metal or an alloy of appropriate melting point, for example aluminium, copper, iron, lead etc.
If a current larger than the specified value flows through the circuit, the temperature of the fuse wire increases.
The fuse wire is usually encased in a cartridge of porcelain or similar material with metal ends.
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