teelee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest तीली teelee news and headlines :
1. लाठी से रक्षा करना या प्रहार करना, हाथ से माला फेरना या भाला चलाना, माचिस की तीली से अंधेरा दूर करना या आग लगाना, इनसान पर निर्भर है bhaskar.com2. माचिस की तीली से खेल रहे थे दो भाई, घर में लगी आग, एक की मौत bhaskar.comUsage and Example of teelee 1. वह तीली पर तीली जब इसी तरह बरबाद करने लगा और पान वाले की भुनभुनाहट बढ़ती गई तो उसने एक दियासलाई भी खरीद ली। 2. लगा के तीली रौशन हो जाये। 3. जलती हुई माचिस की तीली के उजाले में उनकी दाढ़ी, कम नुकीली नाक और माथे तक लटकती जुल्फों की झलक दिखी- एक क्षण के लिए। 4. मोहब्बत की कहानी अब जली माचिस की तीली है। 5. हवा के हाथ में माचिस की तीली।

Given are the examples of hindi word teelee usage in english sentences. The examples of teelee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., spoke, wicker.

He ate sticks and thorns and prickles, and when anybody spoke to him he said Humph! Just Humph! and no more.

The way characters spoke in a novel began to indicate their region, class or caste.
Thus novels made their readers familiar with the ways in which people in other parts of their land spoke their language.
Although they were about imaginary stories, novels often spoke to their readers about the real world.
With wonderful humour, Basheer's novels spoke about details from the everyday life of Muslim households.
Those who spoke against the leaders or the party or the government were put in prison.
Farida spoke about establishment of democratic governments within different countries in the world today.
Perhaps there were also people, exotic, interesting people of whom he never spoke — it was possible, though he was quiet and didn't make new friends easily.
” “It was nothing like that, Geoff — it was me spoke first.
God bless that good and noble woman! You spoke finely then, and I shall be indebted to you to my dying day; but, strictly speaking, it was your cook, Olga, who saved me.
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