tulanaatmak example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. कबड्डी और क्रिकेट- एक तुलनात्मक अध्ययन LiveHindustanUsage and Example of tulanaatmak 1. हालाँकि, विशेषतः तुलनात्मक रूप से, संरक्षित दक्षिण में अनेक राज्य शेष रहे, अथवा अस्तित्व में आये। 2. आज प्रत्येक रमणी अपनी सुरुचि सुबुद्वि और तुलनात्मक भाव से श्रृंगार करती है। 3. भारतीय आर्य भाषाओं के तुलनात्मक विकास पर यह पहला कार्य है। 4. आवाज भी तुलनात्मक रूप से साफ सुनाई देती है। 5. यही कारण है कि तुलनात्मक रूप से वे अपने समकालीनों से आगे हैं।
As indicated in the previous chapter, the most commonly used techniques of financial statement, analysis are comparative statements, common size statements, trend analysis, accounting ratios and cash flow analysis.
As there are variations in accounting practices followed by different business enterprises, a valid comparison of their financial statements is not possible.
This also helps comparison with other firm s to ascertain its reasonableness and capacity to pay dividend.
Ratio analysis offers many advantages including enabling financial statement analysis, helping understand efficacy of decisions, simplifying complex figureures and establish relationships, being helpful in comparative analysis, identification of problem areas, enables SWOT analysis, and allows various comparisons.
The geological processes of mineral formation are so slow that the rates of replenishment are infinitely small in comparison to the present rates of consumption.
Decomposition of organic matter yields gas, which has higher thermal efficiency in comparison to kerosene, dung cake and charcoal.
This makes measurement of performance and their comparison with standards a difficult task.
At the time of setting standards, a manager should try to set standards in precise quantitative terms as this would make their comparison with actual performance much easier.
As far as possible, performance should be measured in the same units in which standards are set as this would make their comparison easier.
संबंधित शब्द तुलनात्मक के पर्यायवाची तुलनात्मक के विपरीत शब्द
Latest तुलनात्मक tulanaatmak news and headlines :
1. लकड़ी के दो बक्सों में सात किलोग्राम 900 ग्राम तुलनात्मक रूप से शुद्ध सोना उस दुर्घटनाग्रस्त विमान से मिला था जिसमें माना जाता है नेताजी यात्रा कर रहे थेlivehindustan.com2. दोनों शहरों को तुलनात्मक ढंग से देखते हुए क्या आप ऐसा संभव मानते हैं? देखिए, शंघाई शहर है तो बहुत खूबसूरत और साफ-सुथरा भी बहुत है bhaskar.com3. जानिए, चंडीगढ़ में मेट्रो का क्या है स्टेटस? लखनऊ से तुलनात्मक रिपोर्ट amarujala.comGiven are the examples of hindi word tulanaatmak usage in english sentences. The examples of tulanaatmak are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., comparative, comparison, relative.
These statements provide financial data which require analysis, comparison and interpretation for taking decision by the external as well as internal users of accounting information.
As indicated in the previous chapter, the most commonly used techniques of financial statement, analysis are comparative statements, common size statements, trend analysis, accounting ratios and cash flow analysis.
As there are variations in accounting practices followed by different business enterprises, a valid comparison of their financial statements is not possible.
This also helps comparison with other firm s to ascertain its reasonableness and capacity to pay dividend.
Ratio analysis offers many advantages including enabling financial statement analysis, helping understand efficacy of decisions, simplifying complex figureures and establish relationships, being helpful in comparative analysis, identification of problem areas, enables SWOT analysis, and allows various comparisons.
The geological processes of mineral formation are so slow that the rates of replenishment are infinitely small in comparison to the present rates of consumption.
Decomposition of organic matter yields gas, which has higher thermal efficiency in comparison to kerosene, dung cake and charcoal.
This makes measurement of performance and their comparison with standards a difficult task.
At the time of setting standards, a manager should try to set standards in precise quantitative terms as this would make their comparison with actual performance much easier.
As far as possible, performance should be measured in the same units in which standards are set as this would make their comparison easier.
संबंधित शब्द तुलनात्मक के पर्यायवाची तुलनात्मक के विपरीत शब्द