dilaavejee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word dilaavejee usage in english sentences. The examples of dilaavejee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., beauty, curve, charm, lustre, grace, beaty.

ariations add colour and beauty to nature.

t is useful in recognising the beauty of different species of flora and fauna, and making subtle discriminations in the natural world.
Hot tea could wash and clean up everything so nicely, after all! Marriage gifts are meaningless without the sweet bread known as the bol, just as a party or a feast loses its charm without bread.
There was a simple reason for this: the ball was bowled underarm, along the ground and the curve at the end of the bat gave the batsman the best chance of making contact.
They reflect people s sense of beauty and honour, their notions of proper conduct and behavior.
There was a simple reason for this: the ball was bowled underarm, along the ground and the curve at the end of the bat gave the batsman the best chance of making contact.
This, in turn, results in a wide range of colours, hardness, crystal forms, lustre and density that a particular mineral possesses.
In those days I was a great admirer of beauty and I believed in making myself look handsome.
Muslims regard the Quran as their holy book and accept the sovereignty of the one God, Allah, whose love, mercy and beauty embrace all those who believe in Him, without regard to social background.
Sometimes, trading activities such as chemist Shop, hospital, canteen, beauty parlour etc.
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