do? example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest दोः do? news and headlines :
1. जरा मुस्कुरा दोः '2018 तक सबसे स्वच्छ 10 नदियों में शामिल हो जाएगी गंगा' ibnlive.com2. अखिलेश बाबू जवाहरबाग कांड की जांच होने दोः अमित शाह

Given are the examples of hindi word do? usage in english sentences. The examples of do? are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., side, jib.

t is the feeling side of intelligence.

When we buy medicines, on the packets, you might find directions for proper use and information relating to side effects and risks associated with usage of that medicine.
When many year figureures are kept side by side, they help a great deal in exploring the trends visible in the business.
Under this method, total of each side in the ledger (debit and credit) is ascertained separately and shown in the trial balance in the respective columns.
Error while posting a journal entry: a journal entry may not have been posted properly to the ledger, i.e., posting made either with wrong amount or on the wrong side of the account or in the wrong account.
If the difference between the debit and credit columns is divisible by 2, there is a possibility that an amount equal to one-half of the difference may have been posted to the wrong side of another ledger account.
Examples of such errors are error of casting; error of carrying forward; error of balancing; error of posting to correct account but with wrong amount; error of posting to the correct account but on the wrong side; posting to the wrong side with the wrong amount; omitting to show an account in the trial balance.
A better way therefore is by noting the correction on the appropriate side for neutralising the effect of the error.
The accountant tallies his trial balance by putting the difference on shorter side as suspense account .
If error is posting to a wrong account on the wrong side (without mentioning amount of posting) then assume that posting has been done with the amount as per the original recording of the transaction.
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