dha?shtadhee example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
The pre-printed contents of simple transaction voucher appear to the left of above Form as bold dark words.
A perusal of the above Access Form for Credit oucher reveals that there are four labels: oucher No, Date, Prepared By and Authorised By in Dark bold letters.
By the late seventeenth century this region had developed a bold and intense style of miniature painting called Basohli.
Timothy was provided with two companions —Toto, the monkey, who was bold enough to pull the young tiger by the tail, and then climb up the curtains if Timothy lost his temper; and a small mongrel puppy, found on the road by Grandfather.
Timothy was provided with two companions —Toto, the monkey, who was bold enough to pull the young tiger by the tail, and then climb up the curtains if Timothy lost his temper; and a small mongrel puppy, found on the road by Grandfather.Given are the examples of hindi word dha?shtadhee usage in english sentences. The examples of dha?shtadhee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., impudent, immodest, bold, barefaced, scapegrace.
In order to move a control, first select it by a click action, then move the pointer to the edge of the selected control, ensuring that any of the re-sizing handles appearing as bold dot is not pointed at directly.
The pre-printed contents of simple transaction voucher appear to the left of above Form as bold dark words.
A perusal of the above Access Form for Credit oucher reveals that there are four labels: oucher No, Date, Prepared By and Authorised By in Dark bold letters.
By the late seventeenth century this region had developed a bold and intense style of miniature painting called Basohli.
Timothy was provided with two companions —Toto, the monkey, who was bold enough to pull the young tiger by the tail, and then climb up the curtains if Timothy lost his temper; and a small mongrel puppy, found on the road by Grandfather.
When buyers saw 'MADE IN MANCHESTER' written in bold on the label, they were expected to feel confident about buying the cloth.
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