netaaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word netaaa usage in english sentences. The examples of netaaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., leader.

HCL is today a leader in the IT industry, employing 41,000 professionals and having a global presence in 16 countries spanning locations in the US, Europe, Japan, ASEAN and the Pacific Rim.

HCL Enterprises is a leader in global technology and IT services.
Leadership is influencing others to do what the leader wants them to do.
In the capacity of the business leader the global manager has to be alive to changing business situations and customer priorities he has to keep track of the trends in outsourcing and have the ability to envision upcoming opportunities as well as potential risks.
Ford will send about 2,500 managers to its Leadership Development Center for one of its four programs Capstone, Experienced Leader Challenge, Ford Business Associates, and New Business Leader instilling in them not just the mind-set and vocabulary of a revolutionary but also the tools necessary to achieve a revolution.
A good leader can always identify the potential of his employees and motivate them to extract work up to their full potential.
While discussing about leadership, it is important to under-stand leader follower relationship.
It is said that followers make a person, a good leader by acceptance of leadership.
Therefore, it is to be recognised that both leader and follower play key role in leadership process.
A leader not only commits his followers to organisational goals but also pools needed resources, guides and motivates subordinates to reach the goals.
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