paksharachanaa example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
A plot of ? (where ? is frequency of -rays emitted) against atomic number (Z ) gave a straight line and not the plot of ? vs atomic mass.
As the war dragged on for several years, TISCO had to produce shells and carriage wheels for the war.
In addition, melatonin also influences metabolism, pigmentation, the menstrual cycle as well as our defense capability.
In adult women, hypothyroidism may cause menstrual cycle to become irregular.
Cutting down trees, or deforestation, may disrupt the carbon cycle and the water cycle.Given are the examples of hindi word paksharachanaa usage in english sentences. The examples of paksharachanaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., conspiracy, intrigue, machination, politicking, plot, wheels, cycle, ring, wheel, whirl, circle, counter.
Her grandmother had grown the squash, pumpkin and beans in the little garden plot at the back of her house.स्क्वॉश, कद्दू और बीन्स उसकी नानी ने अपने घर के पिछवाड़े के छोटे से बगीचे में ही उगाया था|
A plot of ? (where ? is frequency of -rays emitted) against atomic number (Z ) gave a straight line and not the plot of ? vs atomic mass.
As the war dragged on for several years, TISCO had to produce shells and carriage wheels for the war.
In addition, melatonin also influences metabolism, pigmentation, the menstrual cycle as well as our defense capability.
In adult women, hypothyroidism may cause menstrual cycle to become irregular.
The poverty cycle is another important cause of poverty that explains why poverty tends to continue among the same sections of society.
The resulting lowered motivational level only makes the situation worse; the cycle starts and continues again.
Thus, the poverty cycle involves an interaction between the factors mentioned above, and results in declining individual motivation, hope, and sense of control.
They rushed out to the parish church and began to ring the church bells! In 1836 a notable event took place when Charles Dickens's Pickwick Papers was serialised in a magazine.
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