padaanukram example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word padaanukram usage in english sentences. The examples of padaanukram are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., hierarchy.

Management is a universal term used for certain functions performed by individuals in an enterprise who are bound together in a hierarchy of relationships.

Every individual in the hierarchy is responsible for successful completion of a particular task.
Generally speaking there are three levels in the hierarchy of an organisation.
Supervisory or Operational Management: Foremen and supervisors comprise the lower level in the hierarchy of the organisation.
Secondly, supervision can be understood as the function to be performed by supervisor, a managerial position in the organisation hierarchy at the operative level i.e., immediately above the worker.
Among these, Maslow s Need Hierarchy Theory is considered fundamental to understanding of motivation.
He felt that within every human being, there exists a hierarchy of five needs.
However, some of his propositions are questioned on his classification of needs and hierarchy of needs.
One important theory of motivation is Maslow s Need Hierarchy theory.
The needs in this hierarchy have been classified as physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, egoistic needs and self-actualisation needs.
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