paradesh example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest परदेश paradesh news and headlines :
1. नया मामला मध्य परदेश का है bhaskar.com2. परदेश से लौट रहे युवक को लूटा LiveHindustan3. परदेश में भी परंपरा से प्यार LiveHindustan
4. परदेश में प्रियंका की दीवाली LiveHindustanUsage and Example of paradesh 1. एक दिन मैने सुशीला से कहा-अगर तेरे पतिदेव कहीं परदेश चले जाए तो रोत-रोते मर जाएगी! 2. भाभी, अब तो कहीं परदेश जाने का जी होता है। 3. आशीष रोज परदेश भिजवातीं। 4. ब्रह्मण को पत्नी की बात ठीक लगी और वह परदेश नहीं गया. एक दिन संयोग से कण्डिल्य ऋषि उधर से गुजर रहे थे तो उस ब्रह्मण के घर पधारे। 5. परदेश गया पिया लौटेगा या वहीं किसी के चंचल के नयनों का शिकार होकर रह जाएगा?

Given are the examples of hindi word paradesh usage in english sentences. The examples of paradesh are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., foreign.

Capital from foreign countries may flow into the domestic country, or the domestic country may be exporting capital to foreign countries.

Exotic or foreign breeds (for example, Jersey, Brown Swiss) are selected for long lactation periods, while local breeds (for example, Red Sindhi, Sahiwal) show excellent resistance to diseases.
The cross-breeding programmes between Indian (indigenous, for example, Aseel) and foreign (exotic, for example, Leghorn) breeds for variety improvement are focused on to develop new varieties.
Tuaregs are seen acting as guides to foreign tourists.
Apart from these, India s trade with foreign countries is carried from the ports located along the coast.
These major ports handle 95 per cent of India s foreign trade.
The Central Board of Film Certification is the authority to certify both Indian and foreign films.
India has emerged as a software giant at the international level and it is earning large foreign exchange through the export of information technology.
Foreign tourist s arrivals in the country witnessed an increase of 2 5 per cent during the year 2004 as against the year 2003, thus contributing Rs 21,828 crore of foreign exchange.
Over 6 million foreign tourists visit India every year.
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