parikalit example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of parikalit 1. दूरी को अलग-अलग परिकलित करके लेना चाहिए.। 2. स्पष्टीकरण मांगा कि किराये को किस प्रकार से परिकलित किया।

Given are the examples of hindi word parikalit usage in english sentences. The examples of parikalit are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., calculated.

A ratio is a mathematical number calculated as a reference to relationship of two or more numbers and can be expressed as a fraction, proportion, percentage, and a number of times.

When the number is calculated by referring to two accounting numbers derived from the financial statements, it is termed as accounting ratio.
Further, a ratio must be calculated using numbers which are meaningfully correlated.
A ratio calculated by using two unrelated numbers would hardly serve any purpose.
The ratios are not be calculated for one year only.
A ratio calculated for unrelated figureures would essentially be a meaningless exercise.
For example, ratio of gross profit to sales known as gross profit ratio is calculated using both figureures from the income statement.
For example, ratio of current assets to current liabilities known as current ratio is calculated using both figureures from balance sheet.
For example, ratio of credit sales to debtors and bills receivable known as debtor turnover ratio is calculated using one figureure from income statement (credit sales) and another figureure from balance sheet (debtors and bills receivable).
Although accounting ratios are calculated by taking data from financial statements but classification of ratios on the basis of financial statements is rarely used in practice.
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