pariga?heetaa example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word pariga?heetaa usage in english sentences. The examples of pariga?heetaa are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., spouse, hubby, better half, husband, man, cooperative, partner, accessory, collaborator, company, associate, contributor, tributary, companion, accessary, aide, assistant, lieutenant, auxiliary, appurtenant, conducive, adjuvant, help, feeder, asst, adjutant, subsidiary, instrumental, friendly, supporting, helper, following, second in command, sidekick, acolyte, adjunct, contributing, party, mate, helpful, servo, ancillary, contributory, contributive, supporter, accessorial, assoc.

Fabmart is a private limited company with several branches all over the country.

Successful organisations do not achieve their goals by chance but by following a deliberate process called management .
Suppose, a company s target production is 5000 units in a year.
This includes using environmental friendly methods of production, giving employment opportunities to the disadvantaged sections of society and providing basic amenities like schools and cr ches to employees.
The box given below illustrates how a company can fulfill its social responsibility.
Management helps in achieving personal objectives: A manager motivates and leads his team in such a manner that individual members are able to achieve personal goals while contributing to the overall organisational objective.
Management can be said to be an art since it satisfies the following criteria: A successful manager practices the art of management in the day-to-day job of managing an enterprise based on study, observation and experience.
Similarly managers need to communicate with one another with the help of a common vocabulary for a better understanding of their work situation.
A profession has the following characteristics: Well-defined body of know-ledge: All professions are based on a well-defined body of knowledge that can be acquired through instruction.
The basic purpose of manage-ment is to help the organisation achieve its stated goal.
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