parishrayana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word parishrayana usage in english sentences. The examples of parishrayana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., cluster around, encompass, enclose, inclose, wreathe, pen, ring, circle, encircle, fence, skirt, crowd, snow up, rail off, cover, contain, rail in, girdle, pale, wreath.

The pen is in the hand. There is ink in the pen.क़लम हाथ में है| क़लम में स्याही है|

The pen and paper are on the table.क़लम और काग़ज़ मेज़ पर हैं|
Hold the pen in the hand.हाथ में क़लम लो|
In order to survive, an organisation must earn enough revenues to cover costs.
When I passed the town hall there was a crowd in front of the bulletin-board.
In recent times, the right to information has been expanded to cover various services provided by the Government.
Once the metal cooled and solidified, the clay cover was carefully removed, and the image was cleaned and polished.
An expectant crowd sitting for the past five hours in a chowk of the town is waiting for its leader to come.
The organisers assure and reassure the crowd that he would be here any moment.
The crowd stands up whenever a passing vehicle comes that way.
संबंधित शब्द

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