purape?cha example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
For example, as you have studied in Class I, a tribal society of Africa lives in circular huts, that is, in houses without angular walls.
However, there are some research studies that have shown direct or indirect psychological effects of these forms of pollution as well.
Later he spent years wandering in different parts of India and travelling even to Arabia, working in a ship, living with Sufis and Hindu sanyasis, and training as a wrestler.
It is important to mention here that under indirect method, the starting point is net profit/ loss before taxation and extra ordinary items as per Income Statement of the enterprise.
As mentioned earlier, indirect method of ascertaining cash flow from operating activities begins with the amount of net profit/loss.Given are the examples of hindi word purape?cha usage in english sentences. The examples of purape?cha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., swirling, circuitous, whirling, whorled, looped, indirect, verticillate, verticillated, tortuous, winding, circuitous, rambling, meandering, twisting, convoluted, twisty, twirly, zigzag, voluminous, wiggly, sinuous, sinuate, circular, roundabout, wandering, crinkly, curly, wavy.
While wandering about on the third floor they entered a shop that was selling branded readymade clothes.
For example, as you have studied in Class I, a tribal society of Africa lives in circular huts, that is, in houses without angular walls.
However, there are some research studies that have shown direct or indirect psychological effects of these forms of pollution as well.
Later he spent years wandering in different parts of India and travelling even to Arabia, working in a ship, living with Sufis and Hindu sanyasis, and training as a wrestler.
It is important to mention here that under indirect method, the starting point is net profit/ loss before taxation and extra ordinary items as per Income Statement of the enterprise.
Another point that needs to be noted is that when cash flows from operating activities are worked out by an indirect method and shown as such in the cash flow statement, the statement itself is termed as 'Indirect method cash flow statement'.
Thus, the cash flow statements prepared in Illustrations 7, 8 and 9 fall under this category as the cash flows from operating activities have been worked out by indirect method.
However, unless it is specified clearly as to which method is to be used, the cash flow statement may preferably be prepared by an indirect method as is done by most companies in practive.
The molten magma inside the earth moves in a circular manner as shown in the activity.
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