pratibandhaatmak example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest प्रतिबंधात्मक pratibandhaatmak news and headlines :
1. नोटबंदी को लेकर सोशल मीडिया पर कुछ आपत्तिजनक संदेश वायरल होने के बाद प्रशासन ने इस सिलसिले में प्रतिबंधात्मक आदेश जारी किया हैlivehindustan.comUsage and Example of pratibandhaatmak 1. प्रधानमंत्री ने आगाह किया कि बिना स्पष्ट जिक्र किए कार्बन उत्सर्जन कटौती के लिए किसी तरह का प्रतिबंधात्मक उपाय कारगर साबित नहीं होगा।

Given are the examples of hindi word pratibandhaatmak usage in english sentences. The examples of pratibandhaatmak are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., restrictive.

In such situations, restrictive conditions are needed to reduce demand.

The procedure of obtaining deposits is simple and does not contain restrictive conditions as are generally there in a loan agreement; Cost of public deposits is generally lower than the cost of borrowings from banks and financial institutions; Public deposits do not usually create any charge on the assets of the company.
A commercial paper is sold on an unsecured basis and does not contain any restrictive conditions; As it is a freely transferable instrument, it has high liquidity; It provides more funds compared to other sources.

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