pratibaadhi example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word pratibaadhi usage in english sentences. The examples of pratibaadhi are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., obtrusive, obstructive, antagonist, opposed, opponent, hostile, thwarter, opposite, oppose, obstructor, obstructer, adversary, obstructionist, opposing, opposer, in opposition, resister, antipathetic, withstander, foe, enemy, adverse, counter, contrary, counter productive, alien, unwelcoming, unlike, negative, unfriendly, unfavourable, unfavorable, long.

Some non-western societies value self-reflection and collectivistic orientation as opposed to personal achievement and individualistic orientation.

This is contrary to the tests of intelligence which mostly involve convergent thinking.
, Negative motivation uses negative means like punishment, stopping increments, threatening etc.
Motivation helps to change negative or indifferent attitudes of employee to positive attitudes so as to achieve organisational goals.
For example, a worker may have indifferent or negative attitude towards his work, if he is not rewarded properly.
However, there is one negative aspect of job security.
An intelligent manager should make use of positive aspects of informal channels and minimise negative aspects of this channel of communication.
Usually the choice for the voters in elections is between the incumbent party or candidate and those who oppose them.
A low ratio may indicate unfavourable purchase and sales policy.
Food Security in India Since the advent of the Green revolution in the early- 70s, the country has avoided famine even during adverse weather conditions.
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