prateeti example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of prateeti 1. लेकिन जैसे-जैसे इसकी प्रतीति जैसे-जैसे यह ध्‍वनि ज्‍यादा से ज्‍यादा तुम्‍हारे भीतर प्रवेश वैसे-वैसे उच्‍चार को धीमा करते जाओ। 2. और एक बार उन्‍हें यह प्रतीति हो जाए कि कल्‍पना यथार्थ हो सकती है। 3. 14 पर तू इन बातों पर जो तू ने सीखीं हैं और प्रतीति की थी, यह जानकर दृढ़ बना रह, कि तू ने उन्‍हें किन लोगों से सीखा था;। 4. दूसरी बात कि हर शंका के बाद दिया गया समाधान स्वतः इन पदों-नैतद्यतः - के अर्थ की प्रतीति करा देता है। 5. इन दो आंखों से तुम कभी ऊर्जा की प्रतीति नहीं ऊर्जा को नहीं देख सकते, सिर्फ पदार्थ को देख सकते हो।

Given are the examples of hindi word prateeti usage in english sentences. The examples of prateeti are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., faith, belief,credence.

People belief that there is some form of life after death.लोगों की आस्था है कि मृत्यु के बाद भी जीवन होता है|

This is contrary to the belief that Forms in Access can be used only for data entry.
Members of industrialised societies may value independent thinking, develop an attitude of competitiveness, and cultivate a belief of personal control over what happens to them.
According to some experts who deal with PTSD, one of the key attitudes to be developed in the survivors is that of self-efficacy, i.e. the belief that 'I can do it!', or 'I can come out of this phase successfully.
It is not the individual, but a belief system, a way of life, and values, in which she/he is brought up, that is the cause of poverty.
This belief system, called the 'culture of poverty', convinces the person that she/he will continue to remain poor, and the belief is carried over from one generation of the poor to the next.
In Indian society, medical advice by or for a female is often delayed because of various reasons — they are less valued, or because of the belief that they are hardy, or the shame associated with the disease.
What gives him courage and tenacity is his belief that he is a nationalist figurehting for the freedom of Hindus.
Management by exception, which is often referred to as control by exception, is an important principle of management control based on the belief that an attempt to control everything results in controlling nothing.
But what should we put our faith in? This is the question this story delicately poses.
संबंधित शब्द प्रतीति के पर्यायवाची