prateepatarana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word prateepatarana usage in english sentences. The examples of prateepatarana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., bathe, float, ride, swim, natation, sail, bogey.

Surat has also been called the gate to Mecca because many pilgrim ships set sail from here.

On the assumption that the earth was round, Christopher Columbus, an Italian, decided to sail westwards across the Atlantic Ocean to find a route to India.
Fear of such an attack induced the US to let its currency float in 1971, one of the major events which precipitated the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system.
It is a mixture of a flexible exchange rate system (the float part) and a fixed rate system (the managed part).
In 1976, revision of IMF Articles allowed countries to choose whether to float their currencies or to peg them (to a single currency, a basket of currencies, or to the SDR).
However, following a crisis, Argentina abandoned the currency board and let its currency float in January 200 Another arrangement adopted by Equador in 2000 was dollarisation when it abandoned the domestic currency and adopted the US dollar.
Many people sail through and rebuild their lives very positively.
They were not allowed to enter temples, draw water from the wells used by the upper castes, or bathe in ponds where upper castes bathed.
Children love to float paper boats in rain puddles.
It is precisely because of the socio-cultural differences that while people in China prefer bicycles, the Japanese in contrast like to ride bikes.
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