praagrasara example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word praagrasara usage in english sentences. The examples of praagrasara are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., vintage, divine, noble, precious, excellent, superior, surpassing, unexceptionable, high, maiden, leading, first, first ever, head, pre emptive, initial, former, first, the former.

Some of the areas where women and men first began to grow crops such as wheat and barley about 8000 years ago are located here.इसी क्षेत्र में कुछ ऐसे स्थान हैं जहाँ लगभग आठ हज़ार वर्ष पूर्व स्त्री-पुरुषों ने सबसे पहले गेहूँ तथा जौ जैसी फ़सलों को उपजाना आरंभ किया|

The places where rice was first grown are to the north of the Vindhyas.जहाँ सबसे पहले चावल उपजाया गया वे स्थान विंध्य के उत्तर में स्थित थे|
The hills and high mountains including the Himalayas, deserts, rivers and seas made journeys dangerous at times, but never impossible.कभी-कभी हिमालय जैसे ऊँचे पर्वतों, पहाड़ियों, रेगिस्तान, नदिेयों तथा समुद्रों के कारण यात्रा जोखिम भरी होती थी, फिर भी ये यात्रा उनके लिए असंभव नहीं थीं|
Do you know that people first travelled by train only about 150 years ago?पता है लोगों ने मात्र डेढ़ सौ साल पहले रेल से यात्रा करनी शुरू की थी?
The first animal to be tamed was the wild ancestor of the dog.सबसे पहले जिस जंगली जानवर को पालतू बनाया गया वह कुत्ता था
, complete the given task but at a high cost.
Usually high efficiency is associated with high effectiveness which is the aim of all managers.
But undue emphasis on high efficiency without being effective is also not desirable.
The E-Chaupal initiative has found its way into the Harvard Business School as a leading case study illustarating the use of modern technology by a leading business house for the benefit of the rural poor.
Principles based on experimen-tation: Scientific principles are first developed through observation and then tested through repeated experimentation under controlled conditions.
संबंधित शब्द

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