praachury example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of praachury 1. मामूली पढ़े लिखे परिवारों से भरे इस गांव में विदेश से आये पैसों के प्राचुर्य ने लोगों में अनुशासनहीनता और लापरवाही भर दी है। 2. दीपावली एक समय गांव का उत्सव होता था, फसल का उत्सव था यह, प्राचुर्य का उत्सव था। 3. प्रकाश और प्राचुर्य का उत्सव तो अब शहरों में चला गया है।

Given are the examples of hindi word praachury usage in english sentences. The examples of praachury are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., profusion, plenty, cornucopia, richness, profuseness.

For the last two years all our bad news had come from there the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer and I thought to myself, without stopping, What can be the matter now? Then, as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Wachter, who was there, with his apprentice, reading the bulletin, called after me, Don t go so fast, bub; you ll get to your school in plenty of time! I thought he was making fun of me, and reached M.

See how it is! Every day we have said to ourselves, Bah! I ve plenty of time.
Our television screen must have had a million books on it and it s good for plenty more.
I would get married to a woman doctor who had plenty of money and a good medical practice.
Today, in western Rajasthan, sadly the practice of rooftop rainwater harvesting is on the decline as plenty of water is available due to the perennial Rajasthan Canal, though some houses still maintain the tankas since they do not like the taste of tap water.
For example, children may have plenty of self-esteem (I am), but may lack anyone whom they can turn to for support (I have), and do not have the capacity to solve problems (I can), will not be resilient.
Though nitrogen gas is available in plenty in the air, plants cannot use it in the manner they can use carbon dioxide.
HY seeds, however, needed plenty of water and also chemical fertilizers and pesticides to produce best results.
Bengal is a riverine plain which produces plenty of rice and fish.
It enhances the national income, cultural richness and increases the efficiency of governance.
संबंधित शब्द प्राचुर्य के पर्यायवाची प्राचुर्य के विपरीत शब्द

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