preshak example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of preshak 1. संचार प्रक्रिया में संदेश भेजने वाला प्रेषक कहलाता है और संदेश प्राप्त करने वाला प्राप्तकर्ता। 2. दोनों के बीच एक माध्यम होता है जिसके सहयोग से प्रेषक का संदेश प्राप्तकर्ता के पास पहुंचता है। 3. देश तथा विदेश में मनुष्य की दस्तकें बढ़ती है इसलिये संचार प्रक्रिया का पहला चरण प्रेषक होता है। 4. वह अपनी प्रतिक्रिया प्रेषक को भेजता है। 5. हर प्रेषक हर एक मित्र के साथ अलग अलग की इस्तेमाल कर सकता है, जो एक दुसरे की की नहीं जानते तो वे सिर्फ अपने सन्देश पढ़ सकते हैं ।

Given are the examples of hindi word preshak usage in english sentences. The examples of preshak are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sender, transmitter.

The state of mind of both sender and receiver of communication reflects in the effective communication.

Some times people evaluate the meaning of message before the sender completes his message.
So one needs to consider the other's frame of reference, that is, the context used by the sender to say something.
A message is said to be effectively communicated when it is interpreted by the receiver of the message in the same sense in which the sender has sent.
If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.
If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.
If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.
If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.
If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.
If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.
संबंधित शब्द प्रेषक के पर्यायवाची