pharamait example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word pharamait usage in english sentences. The examples of pharamait are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., format.

Can we not write about the history of this period in a different way? How do we focus on the activities of different groups and classes in Indian society within the format of this history of Governor-Generals? When we write history, or a story, we divide it into chapters.

What, then, do we do? Clearly, we need another format for our history.
Its data type can be Number with field size set to double; format set to standard; decimal places set to 2 and default value set to 0.
Alternatively, its data type can be chosen as currency type, in that case its format can be either accepted as currency or set to standard with decimal places set to This column of the table stores the date of transaction.
Its data type is set to Date/Time with format set to Medium Date (dd-MMMyy); Default value set to = Now() to imply current date in Real Time Clock (RTC) of computer system and caption property set to Date.
Its format can be declared as Medium Date with Required and Indexed property set to No.
It is set and used in three situations : one when the property is not set for the underlying field; second when the format setting of the underlying field is to be overridden; third when a control, which is not bound to any underlying data field, is to be displayed in a particular manner.
It must be used in conjunction with format property to determine the final appearance of numeric data.
The input mask property affects the format used for data entry into the control as opposed to its appearance, which is affected by Format and Decimal places property.
The label can be reselected by a click, followed by using the formatting tool bar to format the title.
संबंधित शब्द फरमैट के पर्यायवाची फरमैट के विपरीत शब्द