phaayademand example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Usage and Example of phaayademand 1. खुदा की कुदरत देखिए कि फलों का रस और सिरका तो सेहत के लिए फायदेमन्द है और शराब नुकसानदेय। 2. यह आंतों के घावों को ठीक करने में लाभकारी है तथा सर्दी-जुकाम की अवस्था में इसका सेवन करना अधिक फायदेमन्द होता है। 3. व्यापारी वर्ग के लिए यह साल काफी फायदेमन्द साबित होगा। 4. कला संगीत और आर्ट, कलचर तथा अन्य मनोरंजक एवं फैशन से जुड़े हुए महिला जातकों के लिए भी पूरा साल फायदेमन्द रहेगा। 5. लोकसभा के आगामी चुनाव के मद्देनजर श्री तिवारी की यह सक्रियता सपा के लिये काफी फायदेमन्द साबित हो सकती है।
In other words, we can say that some countries are in an advantageous position in producing select goods and services which other countries cannot produce that effectively and efficiently, and viceversa.
As a result, each country finds it advantageous to produce those select goods and services that it can produce more effectively and efficiently at home, and procuring the rest through trade with other countries which the other countries can produce at lower costs.
Due to differences in resource endowments and labour productivity, countries find it much more advantageous to produce goods and services in which they have cost advantage and trade the surplus in such goods and services with other nations in exchange of goods and services which others can produce more efficiently.
Given are the examples of hindi word phaayademand usage in english sentences. The examples of phaayademand are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., advantageous, useful.
In using manure we use biological waste material, which is advantageous in protecting our environment from excessive use of fertilizers.
In other words, we can say that some countries are in an advantageous position in producing select goods and services which other countries cannot produce that effectively and efficiently, and viceversa.
As a result, each country finds it advantageous to produce those select goods and services that it can produce more effectively and efficiently at home, and procuring the rest through trade with other countries which the other countries can produce at lower costs.
Due to differences in resource endowments and labour productivity, countries find it much more advantageous to produce goods and services in which they have cost advantage and trade the surplus in such goods and services with other nations in exchange of goods and services which others can produce more efficiently.