badadhasneha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word badadhasneha usage in english sentences. The examples of badadhasneha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., infatuated, addicted, attached, enamoured, deeply indulged, enamored.

So they set up record rooms attached to all administrative institutions.

No, Debit, Credit, Amount, Narration, Authorised By, Prepared By on the left hand side and Choose the Account to Debited and Choose the account to be Credited on the right hand side of Access voucher Form design of which is shown in Figure 1 The attached labels are automatically appended to the Form when other controls such as Text boxes, List boxes, Combo boxes, etc.
Auto dialer button in a form when clicked is capable of dialing a telephone number, provided a modem is attached and configureured in the computer system.
The location selected becomes the upper left corner of the text box, and the attached label appears to the left of where the text control is dropped.
It may be noted that every data entry control has been assigned to its left an attached label control whose caption is the caption of the fields in ouchers table.
Once both the List box controls for debit and credit entries have been pasted, change the caption property of labels attached to such List boxes and write the text Choose the Account to be Debited for first list box and Choose the Account to be Credited for second.
The attached label control is removed by a right click on this label followed by a click on Cut.
Remove its attached label and set its Font size and font weight property appropriately.
The attached label of SubForm is removed to pave the way for creating dynamic title.
This is achieved by adding another text control (remove the attached label control) at the top of the SubForm in the same manner as applies to the title of voucher, except that the Control Source property is set to = F([Type] = 0, Debit , Credit ) & & Entries .
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