barabaad example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest बरबाद barabaad news and headlines :
1. अफीम बरबाद कर रहा लोगों को छत्तीसगढ़ के आबकारी विभाग के आधिकारिक आकड़ों से स्पष्ट है कि विगत वर्षों मे शराब के सेवन में वृद्धि हुई है bhaskar.com2. उसके बाद बूढ़ी कनकई नदी के तट पर लगे सैकड़ों एकड़ मकई के खेत में फसल को बरबाद कर दिया bhaskar.com3. हिमस्खलन से कैंप बरबाद लेकिन लहराता रहा तिरंगा LiveHindustan
4. सावधान! आपके एंड्राएड फोन को बरबाद कर सकता डेंड्राएड LiveHindustan5. मेहनत, पैसा सबकुछ बरबाद LiveHindustanUsage and Example of barabaad 1. उसे यह सुनिश्चित करना चाहिए कि पानी बरबाद न हो और तटबंधों का निमार्ण हो। 2. ख्याल था सिर्फ परिवार के बरबाद हो जाने का। 3. दादा की गाढी कमाई के रूपये क्‍यो बरबाद करते हो? 4. सब कुछ ठीक चल रहा था कि बीते साल का भूत फिर निकलकर आ गया और संसद का समय बरबाद होता जा रहा है। 5. हुनर से काट कर जवानी कर दे बरबाद ।

Given are the examples of hindi word barabaad usage in english sentences. The examples of barabaad are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., broken down, finished, out of pocket, down the drain.

It studies the frequency of conversion of stock of finished goods into sales.

The Inspector had smiled after he was finished and patted Margie s head.
They weren t even half finished when Margie s mother called, Margie! School! Margie looked up.
In stratosphere, they get broken down by powerful U radiations, releasing chlorine free radical.
Production involves the conversion of raw materials into finished products or generation of services.
They turn out diverse finished products, that we consume, through the conversion of raw materials or partly finished materials in their manufacturing operations.
Transport facilitates movement of raw material to the place of production and the finished products from factories to the place of consumption.
Capital is required for investment in fixed assets like land, building, machinery and equipment and in current assets like raw materials, book debts, stock of finished goods, etc.
BY the time they finished their deliberations and Sir John dropped him at his hotel off Regent Street, it was 1 a.
It seemed a longer job than I had thought it was going to be; but I got the bag finished at last, and I sat on it and strapped it.
संबंधित शब्द बरबाद के पर्यायवाची बरबाद के विपरीत शब्द

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