baalyaavastha example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest बाल्यावस्था baalyaavastha news and headlines :
1. डरावनी फिल्में अभी अपनी बाल्यावस्था में: जिमी शेरगिल LiveHindustanUsage and Example of baalyaavastha 1. यह व्यक्ति के जीवन में बाल्यावस्था तथा प्रौढ़ावस्था के मध्य का संक्रमण काल है। 2. इन्होनें बाल्यावस्था में पिता , प्रतिष्ठा और धन तीनों की कमी को महसूस किया और बाद के जीवन में तीनों को ही मजबूती दे सकें। 3. बाल्यावस्था में इनके माता-पिता इन्हें राम कहकर पुकारते थे। 4. बाल्यावस्था की देखभाल को शिक्षा से अलग नहीं किया जा सकता है। 5. बालक के जीवन की अति बाल्यावस्था में घटी कोई ऐसी घटना जो उसे याद तो।

Given are the examples of hindi word baalyaavastha usage in english sentences. The examples of baalyaavastha are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., childhood.

Twins separated early in childhood also show considerable similarity in their intellectual, personality and behavioural characteristics.

Research literature suggests that children begin to develop their imagination during the early years of childhood but they express creativity mostly through physical activities and in non-verbal ways.
During our childhood in Goa, the baker used to be our friend, companion and guide.
In our childhood we saw bakers wearing a shirt and trousers which were shorter than full-length ones and longer than half pants.
The themes range from childhood and adolescence, to disability, talent and achievement, to music, science, and contemporary social and environmental concerns.
Training in 'mindfulness' which starts in childhood can help to develop longer attention spans and therefore, lead not only to better listening but also to sympathetic listening.
He spent his childhood in the log-cottage where he was born, was dutiful to his mother and helpful to her in many things, assisting her much with his little hands, and more with his loving heart.
From your childhood days, you may have spent considerable time thinking about who you are, and how you are different from others.
HER name was Sulekha, but since her childhood everyone had been calling her Bholi, the simpleton.
Freud stated that abnormal behaviour is a symbolic expression of unconscious mental conflicts that can be generally traced to early childhood or infancy.
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