baashaoor example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Everything has been going on smoothly with the iking Mission.
But it turns out that the electrons are able to 'travel' through a perfect solid crystal smoothly and easily, almost as if they were in a vacuum.
Golu politely helped him to coil around the branch again and said goodbye to him.
The ionisation enthalpy values as expected from the general trends do not decrease smoothly down the group.
Given are the examples of hindi word baashaoor usage in english sentences. The examples of baashaoor are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., smoothly, politely, civilizedly, cordially, civilisedly, gracefully.
Motivation helps managers to introduce changes smoothly without much resistance from people.
Everything has been going on smoothly with the iking Mission.
But it turns out that the electrons are able to 'travel' through a perfect solid crystal smoothly and easily, almost as if they were in a vacuum.
Golu politely helped him to coil around the branch again and said goodbye to him.
The ionisation enthalpy values as expected from the general trends do not decrease smoothly down the group.