beebeka example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word beebeka usage in english sentences. The examples of beebeka are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sense, sanity, conscience, discrimination, marbles, wit, wits, rationality, discretion, saneness, reasonableness, discernment, judgment.

HCL has a strong sense of social responsibility.

Another key role he plays is establishing a sense of comfort in potential clients by stressing on the positive effects of cross-cultural and multi-cultural opportunities that outsourcing and global delivery entail, while addressing any concerns out of these.
t may be called street smartness or business sense .
Superior generalisation and discrimination ability.
Even a large company was micro in the sense that it had to act in the interest of its own shareholders which was not necessarily the interest of the country as a whole.
It is to tell a story in a way that makes some sense and can be followed.
It creates a sense of disunity and factionalism in every locality.
They may wish to serve the people as well, but it is risky to depend entirely on their sense of duty.
This also helps comparison with other firm s to ascertain its reasonableness and capacity to pay dividend.
It reflects investors expectation about the growth in the firm s earnings and reasonableness of the market price of its shares.
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