beemaar example and sentences
हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
4. ISIS सरगना अबू बकर अल-बगदादी को गंभीर रूप से बीमार हैlivehindustan.com5. ISIS सरगना अबू बकर अल-बगदादी को गंभीर रूप से बीमार हैlivehindustan.com6. छोला-बटूरा दिल को बना रहा बीमारlivehindustan.com7. बीमार पड़े चेतेश्वर पुजारा, बढ़ी टीम इंडिया की चिंताlivehindustan.com8. बीमार पड़े चेतेश्वर पुजारा, बढ़ी टीम इंडिया की चिंताlivehindustan.com9. बिना यह जानें कि किस बैक्टीरिया के संक्रमण से आप बीमार हैं, एंटीबायोटिक लेना घातक हो सकता हैlivehindustan.com10. बीमार होने के बावजूद शहीदों के परिजनों से मिले सीएम बादल amarujala.comUsage and Example of beemaar 1. उनका बेटा बीमार है, इसकी खबर रखने की लोगों को कहाँ फुQरसत! 2. ’ रामचंद्र बिगड़ उठा, ‘अधिक खिलाकर बीमार डालने की तबीयत है क्या? 3. सामाजिक तथा मानसिक तौर पर काफी लंबे समय तक बीमार रहने पर भी अपने पीछे समाजशास्त्रीय लेखन का एक अपूर्व भंडार छोड़ गए हैं। 4. मैं बीमार या बाहर होता था तो वही सारे निर्णय लेता था। 5. पिछले कई दिनों से गंभीर रूप से बीमार चल रहे शिवसेना प्रमुख बाल ठाकरे का शनिवार 17 नवम्बर , 2012 को 86 वर्ष की उम्र में निधन हो गया।
Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless or land poor households in rural areas and people employed in ill paid occupations and casual labourers engaged in seasonal activities in the urban areas.
We also find that people differ across cultures in their thinking about when and how people fall ill and, therefore, in the models which they use in prevention of diseases and promotion of health.
“The comet you have discovered will not cause any ill effects on the Earth.
Sergei's anger had vanished and he now began to feel a little sorry and ashamed of himself for having set a spoiled, drunken, perhaps sick man to work at menial labour in the cold.
He sold cats and dogs and monkeys; he dealt in fish food and bird seed, prescribed remedies for ailing canaries, and displayed on his shelves long rows of ornate and gilded cages.
Smoke filmed the wintry city and the air was grey with a thick frost.
They rose like windblown balls of fluff and were lost in the smoky grey of the wintry city.
He tells Paheli that he drank water which looked clear and was without any smell, but still he fell sick ! Paheli explains that water which looks clean may still have diseasecarrying microorganisms and dissolved impurities.
You must have often observed that many of your friends (may be including yourself as well!) fall sick during the examination time.Latest बीमार beemaar news and headlines :
1. सावधान: कार्ड से भरा पर्स कर सकता है आपको बीमार livehindustan.com2. सर्दियों में ऐसे रखेंगे छोटे बच्चों का ख्याल तो नहीं होंगे वो बीमारlivehindustan.com3. मथुरा के कस्बा राधाकुंड में गोवर्धन पूजा पर अन्नकूट का प्रसाद खाने से बीमार हुए लोगों की संख्या 300 के ऊपर पहुंच गई हैlivehindustan.comGiven are the examples of hindi word beemaar usage in english sentences. The examples of beemaar are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., sick, ill, seedy, ailing, indisposed, grey, valetudinary, valetudinarian, queer, rotten, ropy, under the weather, infirm, ropey, crook, peculiar.
At about the age of twenty-five, the Prince, heretofore shielded from the sufferings of the world, while out hunting chanced upon a sick man, then an aged man, then a funeral procession, and finally a monk begging for alms.
Although a large section of people suffer from food and nutrition insecurity in India, the worst affected groups are landless or land poor households in rural areas and people employed in ill paid occupations and casual labourers engaged in seasonal activities in the urban areas.
We also find that people differ across cultures in their thinking about when and how people fall ill and, therefore, in the models which they use in prevention of diseases and promotion of health.
“The comet you have discovered will not cause any ill effects on the Earth.
Sergei's anger had vanished and he now began to feel a little sorry and ashamed of himself for having set a spoiled, drunken, perhaps sick man to work at menial labour in the cold.
He sold cats and dogs and monkeys; he dealt in fish food and bird seed, prescribed remedies for ailing canaries, and displayed on his shelves long rows of ornate and gilded cages.
Smoke filmed the wintry city and the air was grey with a thick frost.
They rose like windblown balls of fluff and were lost in the smoky grey of the wintry city.
He tells Paheli that he drank water which looked clear and was without any smell, but still he fell sick ! Paheli explains that water which looks clean may still have diseasecarrying microorganisms and dissolved impurities.
संबंधित शब्द बीमार के पर्यायवाची बीमार के विपरीत शब्द