bedhaba example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण Usage and Example of bedhaba 1. लंबोतरे मूंगे वाली यह बेढब अंगूठी। 2. मोटी धार थी, हम जैसे आटे के लौंदे की तरह बेढब। 3. इन बेढब बातों के बीच मुझे एक पते की बात मालूम है। 4. बेढब, अनगढ़ और कुछ-कुछ एलियन-सा लंबा-चौड़ा, लेकिन कमजोर शरीर। 5. उपन्यास की इमा को `मेम' कहना हमें उतना ही बेढब जान पड़ता, जितना आलिवर।

Given are the examples of hindi word bedhaba usage in english sentences. The examples of bedhaba are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., ill, sadly, dreadfully, grossly, resoundingly, horribly, irredeemably, badly, abominably, deplorably, soundly, lamentably, roaring, unreasonable, unlawful, unwarranted, unjustified, unequal, improper, unworthy, wrong, unjust, impolitic, a bit thick, shitty, inequitable, abusive, not cricket, unseemly, criminal, illegitimate, unhappy, inadvisable, uncool, indecent, out of order, ungodly, out of the way, uncalled for, unsuitable, off key, wrongful, incorrect, unfair, shabby, undue, inappropriately, unsuitably, unwisely, rude, gross, tacky, abominable, awkward, blue, ugly, sick, indecent, painful, atrocious, ungraceful, terribly, graceless, poor, unwieldy, ungainly, unpicturesque, heavy handed, angular, dreadful, unsightly, ponderous, dowdy, ham fisted, bilious, unspeakable, shapeless, uncouth, wooden, rugged, coarse, terrible.

But undue emphasis on high efficiency without being effective is also not desirable.

The dabbawallas rely on low capital and use cycles, wooden carriages and local trains to achieve their target.
For a moment, think of a world around you where each and every object is of the same colour, say red or blue or green.
For example, Kohs Block Design Test contains a number of wooden blocks.
What would I not have given to be able to say that dreadful rule for the participle all through, very loud and clear, and without one mistake? But I got mixed up on the first words and stood there, holding on to my desk, my heart beating, and not daring to look up.
Now those fellows out there will have the right to say to you, How is it; you pretend to be Frenchmen, and yet you can neither speak nor write your own language? But you are not the worst, poor little Franz.
It seemed almost as if the poor man wanted to give us all he knew before going away, and to put it all into our heads at one stroke.
How it must have broken his heart to leave it all, poor man; to hear his sister moving about in the room above, packing their trunks! For they must leave the country next day.
Sometimes it is actually incorrect to fix precise dates to processes that happen over a period of time.
From these we will not be able to understand how history was experienced and lived by the tribals and the peasants, the workers in the mines or the poor on the streets.
संबंधित शब्द

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